面對這個事情,i guess, it japan, the people think the must are effective。 I I I I。 think, like people think people saying most of them wwt t afffective。but people saying that was saying that because they want enough mask, ks R I mean, i so sorry, anyone he doesnt have mouth I I think to to get mouask without a mouse can get them to trouble for it。 i think it would only be effective if everyone was going lost。but if everyone was rarning last ask, i dont say why wouldnt be effective,我覺得挺支持的三峽企業週轉。雖然三峽房屋借錢我沒帶吧,我今天出門太著急了,忘帶我要做好having mass with with so that you didnt。 so you didnt transmith each people。so its only in viilio like problem make you feel like youre actually sick, yeah, like i would。i dont feel like i would wear in masks s。 im not。 well, i think i mean is better than nothing。i guebut like my understanding of it was that it was so that you you didnt might pass on other people。so yeah,其實簽字戴口罩是好的三峽公司週轉,肯定要罰款啊,必須要人家戴口罩,好,應I A bit stream to not to to find someone for not wearing that。

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